Texas Association of Appraisal Districts -contact Jane Reinig at jreinig@taad.org
Texas Association of Assessing Officers- contact Lindsey Willey at education@taao.org
Texas Assessor-Collector Association - contact Jennifer at education@tacaoftexas.org
Harris County Appraisal District - contact Brenda Budd at bbudd@hcad.org
PTAD approved instructors must re-certify every four years to retain approval for instructing core courses. You may download a copy of the guidelines in the Download section below.
Please note: PTEC material is copyrighted. Any unauthorized use or distribution of these materials without payment of licensing fees is an infringement of that copyright. It is the instructors responsibility to make sure they have the most current revision of course material.
Course 26: Instructor Training (new instructors) This course is designed to be a 16-hour course, presented over two days including 12 hours of instruction and 4 hours of presentations by the students. This new version includes tips on distance learning and remote instruction. It satisfies the PTAD requirements. No CE granted for this training.
Instructor professional development is instructor continuing education falling within one of four categories: (1) presentations and public speaking; (2) instruction technology; (3) development of courses, curricula, and teaching styles; and (4) how to teach people with different learning styles. No more than two (2) hours in each category annually will apply to the four (4) year requirement. Each of the following workshops are approved for 2 hours continuing education for approved instructors.
Explores and defines ways to be confident when presenting to audiences.
Presents ideas on how to create an effective PPT presentation
Teaching adults can have its challenges. This workshop gives insight and recommendations on how to have a successful experience.
Technology, when integrated into the curriculum, revolutionizes the learning process. More and more studies show that technology integration in the curriculum improves students' learning processes and outcomes.
Everyone learns in their own unique way. This workshop helps teachers both understand how certain personalities learn.
This workshop gives insight and recommendations on how to have a successful experience teaching adults.
What! I can't even hint what they need to know for the test?
While giving a presentation in front of a mass audience, your brain keeps racing, making you extremely overwhelmed to put forward your ideas, thoughts, and opinions quickly before you forget. You don’t even give a second thought to what you are uttering. But do you know that sometimes this impulsiveness can do more harm than good? This workshop explores ways to combat these impulses.
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