Income Approach to Value teaches income approach terminology, direct capitalization formulas, (including multipliers), the theory of residual techniques, and income and expense analysis. Covered also is the development of overall capitalization rates and discounted cash flow. Course Length: 3.5 days, exam morning of 4th day. CEs: 21.5
Business Personal Property Appraisal is the theory and practice of identifying personal property and valuing it for property taxation. Included are the techniques for discovering property, determining jurisdiction and situs, procedures for appraising use items, leased items, and business inventory. Special techniques for mobile homes, airplanes, vehicles, and taxable leaseholds are examined. Course Length: 3.5 days, exam on 4th day. CEs: 18
Mass Appraisal Concepts covers the basic concept of Mass Appraisal, including the development of valid property samples, calculating measures of central tendency and uniformity, discovering bias and adjusting schedules, using sales information to develop property classes, and basic mass appraisal administration. Course Length: 3.5 days, exam morning of 4th day. CEs: 17.5
Texas Property Tax Law covers a thorough examination of the Property Tax Code, including legislative changes and court decisions since the previous edition was written. Students will work from an outline format and will need a copy of the Property Tax Code for class. Course Length: 3 days with exam at the end of each day. CEs: 15.5
Assessment and Collection includes a comprehensive study of the property tax calendar, as well as property tax assessment and collections procedures and administration; levying a property tax; rate calculations; procedures after rate calculations; tax bills and special assessment activities; ag rollback calculations, and collecting property taxes. Course Length: 3.5 days, exam morning of 4th day. CEs: 20
Advanced Assessment and Collections reviews current and delinquent collections with a focus on the use of seizures and sales and foreclosure suits as tools in delinquent collections is included. An overview of the phases and elements in a tax suit, and the impact of bankruptcies on property tax collections is covered. Course Length: 2.5 days, exam morning of 3rd day. CEs: 15
Analyzing Property Appraisals includes reviewing several different types of property appraisals and is offered to Registered Professional Appraiser candidates. Sections include appraisal analysis, USPAP, and reviewing appraisals for legal purposes. Course Length: 3 days of instruction with an exam at the end of each day. CEs: 17.5
Truth in Taxation covers rate calculations and basic Truth-In-Taxation requirements for taxing units. Guidance includes procedures, notice requirements, exceptions, planning calendars, and related forms. Course Length: 2.5 days, exam morning of 3rd day. CEs: 13.5
Ethics for Tax Professionals is a course about ethics for property tax professionals. Students will learn about a number of the various standards of conduct that apply to them in their respective jobs. Course Length: 1.5 days, exam in afternoon second day. CEs: 8.5
USPAP (new registrants)addresses the requirement that each Registered Professional Appraiser (RPA) complete this examined course within the calendar year following the reaching of Level 4 RPA status. This two-day (15 hour) USPAP course will cover the following topics: orientation to USPAP; The Appraisal Foundation; structure of USPAP; definitions and basic rules of USPAP; scope of work decision; 10 Standard Rules with emphasis on Standard Rule 6 – Mass Appraisal Development and Reporting; the statements on USPAP; and Advisory Opinions from the Appraisal Standards Board (ASB) Course Length: 2.5 days, including exam CEs: 12.5
Property Tax Administration is one of two courses designed to introduce students to basic elements of the Texas property tax system. Course Length: 2.5 days including exam CEs: 15
Property Tax Appraisal is designed to introduce students to the basics of property tax appraisal. Course Length: 2.5 days, including exam. CEs: 15
Sales Comparison Approach introduces students to the foundational principles of appraising real property and provides the tools for estimating market value using the sales comparison approach . Course Length:2.5 days of instruction with an exam at the conclusion. CEs: 12.5
Please note: Students are required to bring a copy of the IAAO Property Assessment Valuation, Third Edition, 2010 textbook to class.
*Students seeking certification must take both 201 and 202 to satisfy TDLR requirements.
Cost Approach introduces students to the foundational principles of appraising real property and provides the tools for estimating market value using the cost approach to value. Course Length: 2.5 days of instruction with an exam at the conclusion.
CEs: 12.5
Please note: Students are required to bring a copy of the IAAO Property Assessment Valuation, Third Edition, 2010 textbook to class.
*Students seeking certification must take both 201 and 202 to satisfy TDLR requirements.
Appraisal of Real Property (Sales Comparison and Cost Approach) introduces students to the foundational principles of appraising real property and provides the tools for estimating market value using the sales comparison approach and provides the tools for estimating market value using the cost approach to value. Course Length: 4 days of instruction with an exam at the conclusion of Sales Comparison Approach and an exam at the conclusion of Cost Approach (fifth day). CEs: 20
Please note: Students are required to bring a copy of the IAAO Property Assessment Valuation, Third Edition, 2010 textbook to class.
Please check with TDLR for exact CEs given for each course as they are subject to
change with each revision.